Monday, February 23, 2009

i dnt knw..sometimes things happen to pass by my mind..

the roads looked deserted and no vehicles passed by...
...the stench from the drain nearby kept mingling with my thought

and dragging my attention... had barely been an hour but the night seemed to be never

i kept waiting...waiting for that window to open...
..the window behind the dark leaves of that tree...its thin

branches obstructing my view...
the hope of a face so beautiful opening that window...
..i was standing there..awake by the dream, whole night...
..the night never ended...and the window never opened..
...i knew she was there..standing beside that window...never

sleeping herself...
..but she kept the urge of opening that window to herself...
...she liked torturing me...and i liked standing in front of her

...she had asked me not to stand there...walk by the garden...or

go shopping on the weekends..or go, party with my friends...or do

whatever i wish...but not to stand in front of her window...
...but gardens are so less in numbers...shops too few...and the

roads, all go about in circles..
...what will you do when we meet for that

window..when that is more again...
...a thin curtain of water will envelop everything...a face so

still in time will remain tied to that place...the time will

erode the paint of the picture hanging on the wall...
...heat will evaporate all water...but what will happen to the

man who is still standing in front of your window...still

thinking that there is a face behind that window...
..keeping the urge to herself...but not opening that window...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

..a girl by the glass wall, i counted my steps as i moved closer, still talking on my fone, i had another glimpse of her through the corner of my eye. pretty, isn't she? i asked myself the question, over n over again while i strolled those seven steps, to and fro to have another glimpse of her. her arm running down her slender figure, moving slightly as if awaken by the wind, head tilted on the side and the other hand, holding the fone by her ear, smiling, as if she just remembered a wonderful dream. her eyes twinkled or was it the sunlight falling on the glass wall. probably it was the mixture of too much caffeine and a dizzy head. i m not walking those seven steps again, i told myself, as i found myself there, standing again, looking at her through the corner of my eye.